Marco Polo – най-популярните пътеводители в Германия Джобен формат, модерно оформление, актуално съдържание. Който притежава тази марка пътеводители, знае къде отива, защото те предлагат всичко, от което имате нужда по време на път: интегрирани карти и маршрути кратки и ясни описания на обектите внимателно проучена информация от кореспондентите в страната редица практични съвети информация за страната и хората И освен това: малко известни забележителности (за ценители и любопитни) дневни и почасови маршрути какво да си купим за малко пари препоръчвани хотели, ресторанти, заведения и тяхната ценова ... |
Prof. Dr. Cyril Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. was born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He was Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology in 1998–2001, and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature in 2001–2007 at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In 2004 he obtained the scientific degree of Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and Palaeography in the ... |
Die Studie versteht sich als Beitrag zur Erläuterung des Kampfes um das Erbe der klassischen Hermeneutik. Seit Anbeginn erhebt die philosophische Hermeneutik einen Universalitätsanspruch. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob die Anziehungskraft dieses Anspruchs noch bewiesen werden kann. Dementsprechend wird versucht, dieser Universalitätsanspruch im Horizont des nachmetaphysischen Denkens zu verteidigen. Dimitri Ginev (3. Juli 1956 in Warna - 5. Juni 2021 in Sofia) war Professor für Geschichte der kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurse an der Universität Sofia. Er hat ... |
Съставители: Krassimir Leshtakov, Mila Andonova. ... Cultural Interactions during the 3rd - 2nd Millenium BC. Proceedings in the International Conference 24 - 27 October 2018 in the Town of Galabovo."The archeological site Asara or Galabovo, as it is known in the literature, is a prehistoric settlement mound - one of the largest in the Upper Thrace. Whether there were later settlements and whether there was a fortress on the top of the tell in the Middle Ages, we may suggest relying on indirect archaeological evidence. Only the old name Asara (meaning fortress) and separate archeological materials without a certain ... |
Le livre explore le regard depuis la Bulgarie envers la scène artistique française pendant les années 1960. À travers des cas concrets la dynamique de la décennie est mise en relief. L'auteure discute des participations aux forums internationaux, les échanges d'expositions, des exemples de la culture visuelle du quotidien. La recherche tend vers la pluralité: il est toujours possible aux cas analysés d'ajouter d'autres. Il est inapproprié de distinguer rigoureusement le regard envers la France du regard envers l'Occident, comme aussi des contacts avec les ... |
In diesen Buch werden theoretische und praxisbezogene Probleme der Űbersetzung von őffentlichen im Sprachenpaar Bulgarisch und Deutsch erőrtert. Damit wird versucht, eine gravierende Lűcke in der űbersetzungswissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Urkundenűbersetzungen zu schliessen, die in Diskrepanz zur űbersetzungspraktischen Relevanz dieser Textsortenklasse steht. Unter theoretischem Aspekt wird die fűr Urkundentexte postulierte dokumentarische Űbersetzungsstrategie spezifiziert und es werden die Mőglichkeiten und Grenzen der einbürgerden Űbersetzung in ... |
Physicochemical accents. ... The book shows the possibilities of applying of the physicochemical petrological research methods for an in-depth study of the processes of wallrock alterations and obtaining new original data in metasomatic petrology. The author's investigation on mineral equilibria in the system K 2 О-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O-SO 3 is of particular importance for studying of the physicochemical conditions of mineral formation during the acid metasomatism of rocks. By investigating the mineral equilibria on this system, it is possible to develop a complete facies subdivision of secondary quartzes mineral ... |
Financial Market Contagion through the Internal Capital Markets of Global Banks. The book Economic Crises and Financial Contagion is targeted at the applied researcher of financial economics. The methods cover the application of copula analysis, Markov chains and extreme value theory, causal identification based on panel data regression analysis, structural breaks and regime shifts. These tools could be used in various ways: Individual stock market analysis, contagion analysis (among stock markets and banking systems), policy evaluation, event-study and difference-in-differences analysis of important events and crises, ... |
The monograph Education 4.0 and innovative techniques in teaching attempts to present the latest models and techniques of teaching, as well as the challenges facing higher education institutions in a COVID-19 pandemic. Given the specifics of the subject, the publication will be useful for professionals in the field of teaching accounting and finance at universities, and for all who are interested in the problems of innovative teaching methods. Assoc. Prof. Nadya Velinova-Sokolova, PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminisration, Sofia University St. ... |
The Surviving Post-Byzantine Documents of the Athonite Monastery of Simonopetra and its Archival Codices A and B. Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. is born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998 - 2001) and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature (2001 - 2007) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski. In 2004 he obtained the scholarly degree Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor ... |
The International symposium dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Sofia University and the 50th Anniversary of the Commencement of the European Economic Community was organized by the Department of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia, and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia. It was held at the SU main campus on 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., known as the Rectorate, on September 23-25, 2008 as the news of the bizarre and troubling financial crisis poured in from all sides. The conference organizers observed that since the last two ... |
Prof. Dr. Cyril Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. is born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998 - 2001) and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature (2001 - 2007) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski". In 2004 he obtained the scholarly degree Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 he was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and ... |