Умален модел на изтребител от едноименния британски сериал "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons". За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет, ви е необходимо лепило. Елементите на модела са направени от едноцветна пластмаса. Моделът може да се оцвети с боички. Оригинално описание: The five Angel Interceptors operating from Cloudbase are armed with air-to-air and air-to-ground rocketlaunchers, as well as a main machine-gun cannon (firing heat seeker and armour-piercing shells, etc). These Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) jet-fighter combat craft are powered by twin, turbo-jet compressors feeding twin ... |
Übungsbuch für intensives Training der Schreibsicherheit auf Niveau B1 - für DaF-Selbstlernende oder kursbegleitend. Deutsch Intensiv Schreiben: Übungen zur schriftlichen Kommunikation im privaten und allgemein-beruflichen Umfeld - z. B. Forumsbeitrag, Kursanmeldung, Online-Anzeige, Handy-Vertrag, Beschwerde, Nachrichten an Arbeitskolleg*innen usw. Vermittlung wichtiger Aspekte schriftlicher Kommunikation. Checklisten für die Gestaltung und Formulierung von Texten. Zusammenstellung relevanter Redemittel. Berücksichtigung gängiger Textsorten: Brief, E-Mail, Notiz, Kurznachricht ... |
La edicion anotada para docentes ofrece: el Libro del alumno completo; anotaciones para llevar a cabo las actividades del manual de manera sencilla y eficaz; las soluciones de las actividades y los ejercicios; las transcripciones de las actividades con audio y vídeo; propuestas de itinerarios opcionales. Que son los itinerarios opcionales? Itinerario básico. Pensado para avanzar más rápido, este itinerario presenta las actividades imprescindibles para alcanzar los objetivos de cada unidad; Itinerario alternativo. Una propuesta para programar las actividades de manera no lineal ... |
Übungsbuch zum intensiven Wortschatztraining auf Niveau A2 - für DaF-Selbstlerner oder kursbegleitend! Deutsch Intensiv Wortschatz А2: Mehr als 1.000 wichtige Wörter, Wendungen und Sätze auf dem Niveau A2 nach Themen geordnet (z. B. Wohnen, Gesundheit, Verkehr, Politik, Ausbildung etc.); Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur Festigung und Vertiefung des Wortschatzes; Übersichtliche Auftaktseiten mit Wortschatz zu den einzelnen Themenbereichen; Wiederholung von wichtigem A1-Wortschatz zu jedem Kapitel; Vermittlung effektiver Lernstrategien; Tipps zur korrekten Aussprache und Betonung; Mit L& ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is the second book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is a textbook designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of proficiency in English (according ... |
Übungsbuch zum intensiven Wortschatztraining auf Niveau A1 - für DaF-Selbstlerner oder kursbegleitend! Deutsch Intensiv Wortschatz А1: Mehr als 1.200 wichtige Wörter, Wendungen und Sätze auf dem Niveau A1 nach Themen geordnet (z. B. Familie, Körper, Reisen, Einkaufen, Wohnen, Beruf etc.); Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur Festigung und Vertiefung des Wortschatzes; Übersichtliche Auftaktseiten mit Wortschatz zu den einzelnen Themenbereichen; Vermittlung effektiver Lernstrategien; Tipps zur korrekten Aussprache und Betonung; Mit Lösungsschlüssel zu allen Übungen; Neu: ... |
The book profiles postgraduate Master of Architecture Programme, organised by the Department of History and Theory of Architecture, Architecture Faculty at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. The Programme contains 15 Discipline Modules covering the wide range of multidisciplinary tasks of contemporary architectural theory and criticism, outlining the current horizon of the architectural culture. The programme courses, constructed and held in English language, are covered by leading architecture and art critics and historians, practising architects, curators, sociologists, linguists, etc. ... |
Compiler: Neli Miteva. ... This book follows the process in the search for personal identity in Bulgarian fashion design through the three conceptual exhibition projects "XXSOFIA", "1.5 km of...", and "STATIONS". The garment is seen as a specific connection of the individual with its environment ("XXSOFIA"), as a visual commentary on the concept of "distance", its duration, length or transience ("1.5 km of..."), or as an interpretation of the global trend multilocalism through the study of our identity created through the experience collected by living in ... |
La edicion anotada para docentes ofrece: el Libro del alumno completo; anotaciones para llevar a cabo las actividades del manual de manera sencilla y eficaz; las soluciones de las actividades y los ejercicios; las transcripciones de las actividades con audio y vídeo; propuestas de itinerarios opcionales. Que son los itinerarios opcionales? Itinerario básico. Pensado para avanzar más rápido, este itinerario presenta las actividades imprescindibles para alcanzar los objetivos de cada unidad; Itinerario alternativo. Una propuesta para programar las actividades de manera no lineal ... |
"Aim High" is a six-level course that develops language learning through carefully chosen vocabulary (including words from the Oxford 3000), texts which are interesting, and essential study skills. The iTools digital material adds variety to class teaching and the Student CD-ROM is great for home study. Online Practice provides extra homework activities that can be automatically marked and that teachers can track. Revision and self-assessment sections help learners towards exam success and there is extensive testing material too. Key features: develops language learning and presents vocabulary through rich ... |
"Aula Internacional Plus" es la nueva edición del método más utilizado en los cursos de español en todo el mundo, ahora más completo, intuitivo y adaptable. La Edision anotada para docentes ofrece: el Libro del alumno completo; anotaciones para llevar a cabo las actividades del manual de manera sencilla y eficaz; las soluciones de las actividades y los ejercicios; las transcripciones de las actividades con audio y vídeo; propuestas de itinerarios opcionales. Que son lis itinerarios opcionales? Itinerario básico. Pensado para avanzar más rápido, este ... |