An essential companion to the Harry Potter books, "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" is a collection of fairytales from the wizarding world, via the enchanted pen of J.K. Rowling. Rich with allusions and symbols from the Harry Potter stories, and enhanced with fascinating commentary from beloved sage Professor Albus Dumbledore, this is a Hogwarts Library book to treasure and enjoy for years to come. All of the gorgeous, grim and gothic detail of the Bard's five bewitching tales has been brought to life by Chris Riddell, thrice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal. Much loved by generations of witches and ... |
С честване на годината на кучето - единадесетото от дванадесетте животни в китайския зодиак "Mountain Buggy" представя своето трето специално издание за принт на количка, "silhouettes". Смело по природа, храброто куче е лоялен и честен приятел, то е изобразено с богат илюстративен начин, с изкусен холографски принт "silhouettes", който предава на количката привлекателен и блестящ външен вид. Най-добрият приятел на човека е показан на принта на количката с многобройни орхидеи и рози, блестящи в зелено, червено и лилаво. Детската комбинирана количка "Nano V2 Year of the Dog" на " ... |
Стаята на всяко дете е украсена със снимки, афиши и табла с най-различни теми. Тук ви предлагаме стенни табла за тези деца, които искат да украсят стените на стаята си с образи на животни, птици, растения. А може и в стаята на татко и мама. За качеството не берете грижа, то е най-доброто. * 52 x 77 cm * Цветни илюстрации * Двустранно ламинирани ... |
Върху разделителя за книги са изброени английските заглавия на 50-те най-добри модерни класически романа. Вместо типичните картонени разделители обаче, този се състои от две части, с които може да обхванете няколко листа. Така всеки път лесно може да отбелязвате важните откъси от книги или учебници. Няма опасност разделителят да падне или да се изгуби, защото от вътрешната страна на капачето и гърба му са поставени магнитни елементи, които могат да се залепят един към друг, въпреки листовете. Така разделителят остава "закопчан" за страниците. Размерите на разделителя са 4.5 x 17 cm. ... |
Based on the story of Jules Verne. Text adaptation by Merinda Wilson. ... In Hamburg, Germany, Professor Otto Lidenbrock comes home with an old Icelandic book. In it there is a message about a journey to the centre of the Earth. Can Lidenbrock and Axel and their Icelandic guide, Hans, find the centre of the Earth? And can they all get home alive after their many underground adventures? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes reading ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Supernatural hounds, a family curse, a mysterious cipher and the return of a deadly enemy. Sherlock Holmes will have to utilize every skill he has to solve the two classic mysteries collected here. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" sees Holmes and Dr. Watson travel to the misty wilds of Dartmoor to confront a devilish apparition, while in The Valley of Fear the pair investigate a gruesome murder that may be the work of the dastardly Professor Moriarty himself. In this "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition, Sherlock scholar David ... |
Textbook for Medical and Dental Students from the English Educational Program. The up-to-date content of this textbook will provide the students with the opportunity to inform themselves and learn all clinical and theoretical facts needed in their practical and theoretical training. Topographic anatomy considers different topographic regions from an anatomical point of view. It also discusses the function of the organs and the diseases connected with each topographic anatomical part. This way the students will have the opportunity to learn about anatomy, physiology, function and the most common diseases connected with ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... James Joyce 's first novel follows the life of Stephen Dedalus, an artistic and fiercely individual young man. Along the way, Stephen learns to negotiate the "snares of the world", to avoid the pitfalls of his dysfunctional family, his terrifying and repressive boarding school, and the various beautiful young ladies who capture his heart. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is an unforgettable depiction of childhood and adolescence, as well as a lyrical evocation of life in Ireland over a century ago. It shocked readers on its ... |
Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, Western to new wave, this selection gathers the greats of 20th-century cinema into one indispensable guide to movie gold. The collection is arranged chronologically and in an extra-handy format. Film entries include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film. From Metropolis to Modern Times, A Clockwork Orange to Bunuel's The Young and the ... |
Based on the story of Gaston Leroux. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom - the singers, the dancers, the directors, the stage workers... But who has actually seen him? Finalist of The Language Learner Literature Award 2004. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written ... |